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Aleksandr Semenov

UX / UI and Product Designer. Based in Ontario.

Hello there! I am Aleksandr, but feel free to call me Alex! I am a UX/UI and Product Designer with a background in the field of Industrial Design and Visual Arts. As a professional with educational and professional experience in both digital and physical product design, I have a unique perspective on how to design products which are both usable and visually beautiful.

"My mission is to create a positive impact by designing digital user experiences that are beautiful, simple, and accessible."

As someone who used to work at a design studio / agency, I had  an opportunity to personally communicate with both clients and manufacturers. Empathizing with client needs, concerns, and special requirements and translating them into viable products by working with manufacturers.


Working in a multidisciplinary team is a skill which I developed further on a 24-hour BrainStation hackathon where I worked alongside web developers, coders, cybersecurity specialists, data scientists and fellow UX designers to develop a customer-service AI assistant for an industry partner at Shopify. In short: I am a UX/UI designer who knows how to effectively communicate and collaborate with web developers.

My New Portrait 2024 copy.png

Email me at:

Or view my resume:

My Design Toolbox:

Software That I Know.png



Adobe Suite


Software That I Know.png


Adobe XD



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